Parents & Students
Student Attendance
Regular and punctual attendance is crucial for your child's success in school. Please ensure that your child is on time for school each morning. Repeated tardiness impede a student's progress and places unfair interruptions to the teacher and other children in the class. Please note that the first bell rings at 8:25 a.m. Classes begin promptly at 8:30 a.m.
For safety reasons, it is extremely important NOT to park in the "No Parking" areas. There is plenty of parking around the portable area. Also, there are issues with parents parking in back of staff vehicles. At this time, you are allowed to stop behind the staff vehicles, but not park. Meaning if you stop, you must stay in the vehicle in order to be able to move if a staff member has to leave due to an emergency or a meeting/workshop. "Safety over Convenience"
Early Arrivals / Late Pick Ups
Dozens of students are arriving way too early in the mornings and are not being picked up promptly after school. Accidents, injuries, and in appropriate play are common during unsupervised times.
Outside teacher supervision is not provided prior to 8:15 in the morning or beyond 2:35 after school. Please do not drop your children off at school prior to 8:15 am and please arrange prompt after school pick ups.
Those students who arrive early will be instructed to wait outside in the lineup area and will not be permitted to come inside unless they are signed up with their teacher for specific tasks or for tutoring sessions. Early morning is teacher preparation time and they cannot be available to supervise students.
Should children be dropped off inside they will be ushered outside to the line up area.
Prompt afterschool pick up is important as that time is used by teachers for meetings or for their extra curricular commitments.
We offer a free Breakfast program Monday to Friday in our back portable. This is available to all our Maclure students and is free of charge. It is drop in so no need to register ahead of time. Student are able to pick up a breakfast and go outside to wait and eat with their parents or the can eat at one of the tables inside the portable. We are asking only students come into the portable to get food to avoid crowding.